Privacy Policy

Welcome to Appzenie Technologies’ Privacy Policy. This document outlines how we collect and utilize information while ensuring its safety and security in accordance with the regulations and guidelines set forth by our organization. By using our services, you indicate your acceptance of this Privacy Policy and consent to the collection and usage of your data as described herein.

Disclaimer and Assurances:

At Appzenie Technologies, we strive to provide an exceptional user experience through our services. However, we do not make any warranties, whether expressed or implied, regarding the accuracy, quality, or completeness of the information and materials provided on our website or any of its subsidiaries. It is important to note that any reliance on our services should be exercised with due diligence and understanding.

Limitation of Liability:

Appzenie Technologies, its subsidiaries, and affiliates shall not be held liable for any direct or indirect damages, losses, harm, or troubles arising from the use of our services, including but not limited to any third-party components or materials. We do not guarantee any refunds, whether explicitly mentioned in written or verbal communication by our representatives or authorized employees.

Intellectual Property:

When utilizing our services, you, as the client, retain ownership of the files, folders, and information you submit. Appzenie Technologies and its staff do not claim ownership of your intellectual property rights. By agreeing to these terms and conditions, you acknowledge that we may require limited rights to host, share, and present your content for the purpose of delivering our services securely. The client also affirms that they possess the necessary rights, authorizations, and permissions for the orders placed and will not infringe upon any third-party intellectual property rights. Appzenie Technologies, its affiliates, current or past employees, directors, or any members shall not be held liable for any claims or lawsuits related to intellectual property rights by third parties.

Data Privacy and Confidentiality:

We respect the confidentiality of your information and will not share your content or data with any third party unless explicitly authorized by you as the user or owner of the content. Our practices regarding the collection and utilization of client information are described in detail in our Privacy Policy. It is your responsibility to ensure that you have the necessary rights, permissions, and compliance with applicable terms and conditions when using our services and sharing content with others.

Revisions and Updates:

While we strive for accuracy, it is possible that our website may contain typographical, photographic, or technical errors. Appzenie Technologies reserves the right to modify or update any information on the website without prior notice to clients. We are not obligated to inform users of any changes or updates to the materials displayed on our website.

Third-Party Links:

Appzenie Technologies is not responsible for any third-party links or external websites mentioned or provided on our website. We have not reviewed the content of these links, and their use is at the user’s own risk. Appzenie Technologies shall not be held liable for any damages or harm caused by accessing or utilizing information from these links.

Contact Us:

If you have any doubts or queries regarding our Privacy Policy, please feel free to contact us using the following details:

Call Information: +91-9899773053
Email Support: [email protected]
Website Link: